The technology: Needling and Structuring
The bonding of nonwoven fabrics can be performed thermally, chemically or mechanically-including also the use of felting needles. When using the mechanical bonding method, the fibers are transported and integrated into the fabric by barbed felting needles. This increases the friction forces between the fibers, which serves to increase the bond of the nonwoven fabric. The needle board of a needling machine accommodates a large number of feltting needles which are guided through the nonwoven fabric.
The task of structuring needles, conversely, is to structure already bonded nonwoven fabric in special machines. The surfaces are produced with a velvety or grainy character, or feature geometric or linear patterns.
Contact: Violet
Phone: 15262505847
Add: Fourseason Garden, Changshu city, Jiangsu Province, China
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